Boaz Samorai
A professional scuba diver and ocean enthusiast with more
than 20 years of experience as an instructor. Boaz’s goal is tobring people closer to the wildlife, especially in the oceans, so
they will cherish, respect, and protect it. Boas is involved in many
ocean protection activities and education and leading an annual
ocean festival in the Red Sea with the authorities that is all aimed
in ocean preservation and awareness to the local community.
Boaz is a PADI Course director and examiner which is the highest
rank in the largest dive organization and is responsible for thetraining and qualification of the new instructors. He is also a Tech
diver and instructor and serves as a photo system dive test for
new housing that are manufactured.
has won numerous awards, and published articles in many
magazines. Boaz is bringing his knowledge and experience in
both photography and education to the expedition he leads and
shares the knowledge with the guests in his trip to get the best
results possible and to take the opportunity to expertise their skills
while enjoying the wildlife around them.
Europe, Chris Benz Ocean team and his pictures are frequently
used among them to share the love for the ocean.